zentao, the learning


Mind & Spirit




yin & yang, two expressions of the same dancing

The Lifeway



Can you live in peace?

Can you live without giving harm?

Can you consciously decide you will no longer use or feed upon others for your own gain?

Within one prevalent Western doctrine there is something called the "seven deadly sins," a well written list of human pitfalls with which you are probably familiar. They are:

  • pride
    (ego and self-righteousness)

  • envy
    (jealousy of another or of another's holdings and/or success)

  • gluttony

  • lust

  • anger
    (hateful, harmful actions and thoughts)

  • covetousness
    (being a miser, selfishness)

  • sloth

All of these come of one source.






Choose another Way.


Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Forrest W. Lineberry and Dawn Lisette Keur. All rights reserved.