zentao, the learning


Mind & Spirit


yin & yang, two expressions of the same dancing

The Lifeway


When events in nature bring harm and devastation, it is not punishment, but simply change...the result of living in an interactive, shared reality where the movements of one affect all others. Perhaps we suffer harm when nature moves because we choose foolish paths or fail to listen to our inner warnings to not-do and move away. Perhaps we bring destruction and devastation to ourselves and those around us because we ourselves create imbalances in our environment that bring catastrophic change we are ill-prepared for. Always are there warnings for those who care to heed the warnings.

When we ourselves walk in fear, using and feeding upon others for our own safety and seeming gain, we create destruction, bringing it to ourselves and to those around us, even nature...and those so touched by the fruits of our fear, even ourselves, suffer harm.

Walk through fear in harmlessness.

When we can live beyond fear...when we can live in peace without giving conscious harm to others, we shall move in harmony without pain...even in nature's change.

...The definition of "we" in this instance is all who share our reality.






Choose another Way.



Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Forrest W. Lineberry and Dawn Lisette Keur. All rights reserved.