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about zentao

zentao, a lifeway


who we are, what is ZENTAO, our vision, our credo and our privacy guarantee


ZENTAO - bringing you knowledge, resources, opportunity and understanding wrapped in beauty.

At ZENTAO, we believe that anything is possible.


What is Zentao? It is an expression of the lifeway of two people. It is the vision of two people expressed as an internet experience. Everything we are, everything we believe and live by, governs everything we translate into the motive electrons that is the internet at ZENTAO is the embodiment of our lives and our life principles.

ZENTAO is about life, about opportunity for honorable people, no matter who, about caring and sharing, about honesty, virtue and forthright intergrity. More than that, zentao is a gateway that we hope will help bring to all earthkind a measure of peace and the ability to grasp that nameless quality that can carry the human race into a comprehensive understanding and ease that would ultimately allow us all to begin to let go, let love and let be, thereby permitting humankind the luxury to leave behind all those things which presently sully our ability to move into a positive relationship with each other and the ecosphere of this planet (with all that that entails - both living and inert).


Privacy Statement and Statement of Vision

We have a vision - a vision that is based on honor, integrity, and virtue.

We believe in a free, open, and unregulated internet.

We believe in freedom of information.

We believe in the individual's right to privacy, such level of privacy determined, not by any government, but by the individual themselves.

(We neither share nor purposely collect secret data about visitors to our pages. Any information you purposely or inadvertently leave by visiting our site, our host server, or which you give us will never be sold or disseminated by us in anyway for our own or another's use, except by express permission of the owner of such information, YOU. Were we to be subpoenaed to release any information we may have been given under confidentiality or which our server may have inadvertantly gathered, we will fight against such release to the best of our ability.)

We believe in the right to freedom of existence, self-determination, and non-interference.

We believe in freedom of belief, thought and self-expression, provided that such self-expression does not bring physical harm to others or violate another's right to a self-determinate existance and freedom of belief, thought and self-expression, others being defined as all things living and non-living.